Hello there !
I'm Merijn , i'm 14 years old and i'm from Belgium.
Since i'm from Belgium my English isn't 100% and therefor i see the chance rather small i will be accepted as a writer , but i try it anyway , I know i'd be able to do most of it myself , and for words/sentences/expressions i don't know i ask my mom :p
I don't really have experience , except for that i write a story on paper now and then
I want to be a writer because i see it as a chance to help Bwow and it's players , i always have the feeling i'm one of the only people reading the full quest text and that should change in my opinion
Also , i see it as a chance to improve my English which is very important for me because i want to become translator =)
I hope this text was worth reading it ,
And now it's waiting for a reply i guess